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Что такое техника Икигай

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that involves finding meaning and purpose in life. It can be translated to «the reason to live» or «the joy of living.» The word is derived from «iki,» which means «life,» and «gai,» which means «value» or «worth.»

To achieve ikigai, you need to accept yourself and tap into your inner child. By being more authentic, brave, and independent, you can discover your true self and find your reason for living.

Here are some ways to find your calling and achieve ikigai:

  1. Evaluate your current skill set
  2. Formulate the tasks you would like to do
  3. Create an intellectual map
  4. Consider what you would do if money weren't an issue

Evaluate your current skill set

Take stock of your skills and abilities. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? Your ikigai may lie in a talent or interest that you've always had.

Formulate the tasks you would like to do

Think about the tasks you would like to do to achieve your goals. What are the things you enjoy doing? What are the things that motivate you? By identifying these tasks, you can determine your path towards a fulfilling career or life goal.

Create an intellectual map

Create a map of your ideas, values, interests, and talents. Look for connections between them and find patterns that reveal your true passion. Your intellectual map can guide you towards your ikigai and help you live a more fulfilling life.

Consider what you would do if money weren't an issue

Think about what you would do if you didn't have to worry about earning money. What is the activity that you would pursue just for the joy of it? By identifying this activity, you can discover your true passion and find your ikigai.

In conclusion, the concept of ikigai can help you find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in your life. To achieve it, you need to tap into your true self, identify your passions, and follow your heart. By doing this, you can discover your ikigai and live a happy, fulfilled life.
