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Что является примером космецевтики

Cosmeceuticals are a fusion of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, designed to deliver therapeutic benefits to the skin. They contain higher concentrations of active ingredients than regular cosmetic products and can be purchased without a prescription, unlike medicinal cosmetics. These products are formulated to work at the cellular level and provide visible results to improve the overall appearance and health of the skin.

  1. Examples of Cosmeceuticals
  2. Difference between Cosmeceuticals and Cosmetics
  3. How Cosmeceuticals Work
  4. Who is a Cosmeceutical Expert
  5. Advantages of Using Cosmeceuticals
  6. Tips for Using Cosmeceuticals
  7. Conclusion

Examples of Cosmeceuticals

Cosmeceuticals for general skin care include sunscreens, moisturizers, and acne treatments. These products are readily available for consumer purchase and do not require a prescription. Niche cosmeceuticals specialize in a specific type of skin care and may require a doctor's prescription to purchase.

Difference between Cosmeceuticals and Cosmetics

The term «cosmeceuticals» is derived from «cosmetics» and «pharmaceuticals.» The main difference between regular cosmetic products and cosmeceuticals lies in their higher concentration of active ingredients. Medicinal cosmetics, on the other hand, contain even higher potency of active ingredients and need to be prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetics specialist. Cosmeceuticals can be purchased independently without a prescription.

How Cosmeceuticals Work

Active ingredients in cosmeceuticals aid in exfoliating the skin, reducing melanin synthesis, and brightening the complexion. These ingredients work at the cellular level and provide a noticeable improvement to the skin.

Who is a Cosmeceutical Expert

A cosmeceutical expert is a specialist who understands the properties, groups of ingredients, and their action on the skin. They also understand the technological components of creating effective cosmetic products.

Advantages of Using Cosmeceuticals

Cosmeceuticals offer a combination of cosmetics and medicinal treatments, making it a therapeutic option for consumers. This term originated in the US back in 1962 as a symbiosis of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Cosmeceuticals work to not only improve the appearance of the skin but also improve its overall health.

Tips for Using Cosmeceuticals

  • Perform a patch test before applying cosmeceuticals to your face to check for any allergies or skin reactions.
  • Always read the ingredient list to ensure that you understand what's in the product.
  • Consult a dermatologist or a cosmeceutical expert to determine which products are best suited for your skin type.
  • Use cosmeceuticals consistently to achieve the desired results.


Cosmeceuticals are an excellent option for consumers looking for a therapeutic approach to skin care that improves both its health and appearance. These products contain high concentrations of active ingredients, making them effective in achieving desired results. Always consult a dermatologist or a cosmeceutical expert to determine which product is best suited for your skin type and always perform a patch test before use.
