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Почему станция называется Серпуховская

Stressed and overwhelmed by the amount of text you need to read? Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we will take a deep dive into the history and origins of the Serpukhovskaya metro station in Moscow, Russia, exploring its name, its past, and many fascinating details that make it a unique place worth visiting.

  1. The History and Origin of Serpukhovskaya Metro Station
  2. The Origins of the Name
  3. The Foundation of Serpukhov
  4. From Petrovka to Pochainaya
  5. What to Expect When Visiting Serpukhovskaya Metro Station
  6. Tips for Visitors
  7. Conclusion

The History and Origin of Serpukhovskaya Metro Station

The station was opened on November 8, 1983, as part of the first section of the Serpukhovskaya line from «Serpukhovskaya» to «Yuzhnaya.» It became the 123rd station in the Moscow Metro. But where does the name «Serpukhovskaya» come from, and what can we learn from it?

The Origins of the Name

The name of the station reflects the location of the station in Moscow — Serpukhovsky District, located south of the city center. This area is named after the city of Serpukhov, which is one of Russia's oldest cities and a significant cultural and historical center. So, to understand the name of the station, we need to dig deeper into the history of Serpukhov.

The Foundation of Serpukhov

Officially, Srepukhov's history began in 1339 when it was mentioned in Ivan Kalita's letter detailing his lands and possessions. The city has a rich and fascinating history that spans over seven centuries. During the fourteenth century, the city was ruled by Prince Vladimir the Brave; he was the grandson of Ivan Kalita, one of the most influential figures in medieval Russian history, and he was also the cousin of Dmitry Donskoy, the prince who famously defeated the Mongols at the Battle of Kulikovo.

From Petrovka to Pochainaya

The Serpukhovskaya metro station was not always named as such. Historically, its name was «Petrovka» after the nearby railway station of the same name, which itself was named after the district of Podol in the 1920s and 30s. Later, the station was renamed «Pochainaya» in 2018 to commemorate the nearby ancient river of the same name.

What to Expect When Visiting Serpukhovskaya Metro Station

Serpukhovskaya station is a beautiful and architecturally unique metro station located in the southern part of the city. Its design reflects the historical and cultural significance of the area, and it features artwork that celebrates its proud history. From the stunning vaulted ceilings to the unique lighting, this station provides a visual feast for tourists and locals alike.

Tips for Visitors

Suppose you're planning to visit Serpukhovskaya station and want to make the most of your time there. In that case, we recommend taking your time, exploring the artwork, and reading about the history of the area. There's also an array of restaurants and cafes nearby where you can taste some of Russia's traditional cuisines and delicacies.


In conclusion, Serpukhovskaya metro station is a beautiful and historically rich place, reflecting Moscow's rich cultural and architectural history. With its unique design and stunning artwork, it's a must-see for anyone interested in Russian culture and history. We hope that this article has inspired you to visit this historic location and learn more about its fascinating past.

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